Parish Team

The St Germans Group joined with Sheviock and Antony to form a new benefice on July 1st 2019.

Rev. Jo Northey was recently licensed as the Oversight Minister for the Benefice of the St Germans Group Parish with Antony and Sheviock and for the Benefice of Maker with Rame, Millbrook ,St John & Torpoint.

Please contact the parish wardens or for weddings, baptisms, funerals and church services the relevant people listed below.

Our curate, Rev. Laura Bushell-Hawke

Parish Wardens: Paul Gribble ( and Rosemary Stevenson (

Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers: Richard Laugharne, Margaret Sylvester-Thorne, David Watters, Matt Frost

For weddings, baptisms, funerals and church services: Rev. Laura Bushell-Hawke, David Watters and Margaret Sylvester-Thorne

Children’s work: Evelyn Reed, David Watters, Margaret Sylvester-Thorne, Rev Laura Bushell-Hawke

Messy Church: Evelyn Reed

For buildings and general parish enquiries: the Parish Wardens:   Paul Gribble and Rosemary Stevenson

For Safeguarding:  Rev Laura Bushell-Hawke

Pastoral Visitors Team:  Vacant

Parish Giving Scheme:  Paul Gribble

Finances: the Treasurer, Paul Gribble (

Electoral Roll: Rosemary Stevenson

Enquiries about individual churches:

Downderry:  Andrew Pidgen

Hessenford: Margaret Sylvester-Thorne

St Germans: Richard Laugharne

Tideford: Evelyn Reed

Deanery Synod Reps: Richard Laugharne and Paul Gribble

Cashiers: Paul Gribble/Evelyn Reed – St Germans; Tim Pullin – Downderry; Hugh Parker – Tideford and Fiona Bristow – Hessenford.

Additional PCC Members from May 2023

Tim Pullin, Yvonne Byles, Hugh Parker, Dawn Couling, Bill Woods, Andrew Pidgen and Fiona Bristow

The Lay Readers:
David Watters

David Watters.

richard laugharne

Richard Laugharne

Marg S-T

Margaret Sylvester-Thorne

The Parish Wardens:
Paul Gribble

Paul Gribble.

Rosemary Stevenson (photo awaited)