Welcome to St Germans Group Parish

Your Kingdom come.....Your will be done.
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New and events summary

Riding Lights Theatre Company will present their acclaimed Passion Play, ‘The Narrow Road’ (by Paul Birch) on Monday 18th March at The Priory. The performance starts at 7pm and runs for 80 minutes without an interval. Tickets – £12 adults, £8 children (over 12) and concessions. This is a great opportunity to see this Passion Play by this internationally renowned Christian theatre group.

Follow this link for a preview The Narrow Road


1) Buy in church

2) Buy on the door

Buy tickets for ‘The Narrow Road’

3) Click on the ‘give a little’ icon at right ->

Select £12 for one ticket, £24 for two and so on (select Choose your own amount for more than one ticket) or £8 for one child (>12, or concession) Important: No printed ticket will be issued, bring the card you paid with to the play. Don’t forget!

If you want a receipt, please email Stggp.treasurer@gmail.com, saying how many tickets you bought, at what value, and time and date please.

4) Contact boxoffice@stage-fright.org.uk or call 07908 963 991



Our Worship

Details of our regular Sunday worship can be found here.

(Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash)







Pub theology successfully returned to the pub, now meeting at the Halfway House, Polbathic. The meetings run from 7.30 – 9pm on the fourth Monday

  • St Nics lunches continue on first and third Wednesday of every month though fully booked at present


  • Other events in the Benefice:
  • Other events of interest:
  • Click here for details of the events briefly described above.

Next steps for On The Way

Appointment of the new Rural Dean/Strategic Lead
Revd Michael Johnson is now the Rural Dean and Strategic Lead in East Wivelshire Deanery. The post is an integral part of the On The Way process.

Extending the reach of CAP is a critical part of the Deanery Plan, taking the church into the community and providing concrete help to those in need. Melissa continues her work as Debt Coach for CAP for the PL10 and PL11 areas.

The Diocese has approved a 10 year plan that links the Deanery On The Way plans with Diocesan plans. You can read this by clicking this link: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/2023/05/diocesan-ten-year-plan-approved/

The Deanery Website will continue to carry the latest news for On The Way. Here’s the link to the website:




We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, and also for those in Russia at this critical time. Let’s also remember the countless other people in Yemen, Syria and so many other countries in our troubled world.


Click here for a letter from our Archbishops.

Click here for a form of prayer from the 24-7 Prayer group (Lectio 365)


Safeguarding Update for PCCs

All PCC members are required to complete the Basic Awareness Course every three years, the link for the course is here: https://safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org

Churchwardens must also complete the Leadership level every three years, please do check if you are in date, courses can be booked here: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/resources/safeguarding/training-safeguarding/leadership-training/

DBS checks are now valid for three years, while each Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) will keep an eye on this please do check your own certificate and ask the PSO for help to renew it if it was issued prior to 2019.

PCCs will also need to check they are compliant with the new Safer Recruitment procedures. https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2019-10/ParishSafeGuardingHandBookAugust2019Web.pdf


Our newsletter has been replaced by a diary of weeklyish events, which will be reflected here. If you’re not on the mailing list please email stgermanspriory@gmail.com with your details.


  • Covid restrictions – we are currently reviewing our policies in the light of the forthcoming removal of restrictions.  We remain mindful of the government emphasis on all of us taking care of our own well being and safety. Our policies are designed to respect those in our congregations who are more vulnerable, and those who wish to continue with the restrictions. Mindful of the anxieties from our congregation and visitors, the churches have a responsibility to support public health. We will therefore continue to strongly encourage all our visitors to sanitise hands and practice social distancing where appropriate. Wearing of masks is optional.
    • Our worship patterns will remain the same.
    • Holy Communion will continue to be in one kind (the bread) only.
    • All our churches are open to visitors as places of interest, prayer and reflection.
    • We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation and may change our advice as deemed necessary.

Online options

There are many options for worship and prayer online….

Or you could still listen to one of the many radio options – Radio 4, Radio Cornwall offer services on a Sunday around 8am.

Or you could look at: Church of England website that now has more services to join – or at many churches and cathedrals up and down the country who have other offerings

A very good resource is https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/church-online

Browse a whole range of prayers you can choose from to read – or listen to:

Or using your computer, tablet or phone (as you prefer) and from your web browser access morning and evening prayer using this link:

Click here and choose what you need.

To read or hear the prayer for today, click on this link: http://cofe.io/TodaysPrayer

Browse around the various pages and you’re sure to find something that interests you.

Alternatively download an App for your tablet or phone. Church House Publishing or provide a number of these Apps and these can be downloaded from https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/daily-prayer

If you have any difficulties with the daily prayer or have any questions please email and we’ll try to help.
Have a browse around the Church House Publishing website as there are other things of interest, perhaps https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/reflections-for-daily-prayer   Some of these apps require a small subscription, but Daily Prayer is free.

Click here to go back to top

~   News and Events in the Parish   ~

St Nic’s Lunches

First and third Wednesday every month.

Contact Rosemary (stggp.churchwarden1@gmail.com) or Paul (stggp.churchwarden2@gmail.com)
to book a space

As always, no charge, but donations welcome.


Pub Theology

Meet at the Halfway House, Polbathic, 4th Monday of the month, 7.30-9.00pm.

A chance to discuss ideas and thoughts about all matter of things theological.

After a short introduction of 5 minutes (or more), the conversation is open.

Provisional autumn programme:

October 23rd: Spiritual crises in the Bible: the consequences for David after his affair with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah
November 27th:  Being a lay Dominican with Conchita Dunn


For enquiries or suggestions, ring Richard Laugharne (01503-230333) or email on richard.laugharne@nhs.net

All welcome! Click here to go back to top.

2023 Events at St Germans Priory Church

Thursday 19th October – St Germans Primary School Harvest Festival
Saturday 4th November 2023- Jopes Ensemble Candlelit Concert – Nick Beach

Bell ringing practice every Thursday evening

Events in the Benefice

Book of Revelation short course
Taught by the Revd Dr James Harding who holds a PhD on the book of Revelation.
Tuesdays 12 Sept-28 Nov, 9:30-1pm at St Matts Church, Plymouth, PL4 8HF. Cost for the course is £325. For any questions, please contact: southwest@stmellitus.ac.uk
SAT-7 – Dare To Believe event – Saturday 14th October in Exeter

If you’d like to go along talk to Matt Frost or register online at

Sarum College – Is Theology Still Relevant – free online course

Please go to https://www.sarum.ac.uk/short-courses/ to see the details of this course and many others that Sarum are running.

If you have events you’d like to be included in the newsletter please email stgermanspriory@gmail.com

Alpha Leadership Course!
Speakers include Nicky Gumbel, Danielle Strickland, Bear Grylls and many others. You can get more information by clicking on this link:

Alpha Course Leadership

Parish Contacts

Oversight minister: Revd. Jo Northey is our new oversight Minister. For the time being The main point of contact for all matters are the parish wardens. For weddings, funerals, baptisms and church services please make contact using the list below.

The general email for the parish is stgermanspriory@gmail.com

Curate: Rev. Laura Bushell-Hawke

Parish Wardens: Paul Gribble (stggp.churchwarden2@gmail.com) and Rosemary Stevenson (stggp.churchwarden1@gmail.com)

Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers: Richard Laugharne, Margaret Sylvester-Thorne, David Watters, Matt Frost

For weddings, baptisms, funerals and church services:  David Watters and Margaret Sylvester-Thorne

Children’s work:Evelyn Reed, David Watters, Margaret Sylvester-Thorne, Rev Laura Bushell-Hawke

Messy Church: Evelyn Reed

For buildings and general parish enquiries: the Parish Wardens:   Paul Gribble and Rosemary Stevenson

For Safeguarding:  David Watters

Pastoral Visitors Team:  Vacant

Parish Giving Scheme:  Paul Gribble

Finances: the Treasurer, Paul Gribble

Electoral Roll: Rosemary Stevenson

Enquiries about individual churches:

Downderry:  Andrew Pidgen

Hessenford: Margaret Sylvester-Thorne or Fiona Bristow

St Germans: Richard Laugharne

Tideford: Evelyn Reed

Deanery Synod Reps:  Richard Laugharne and Paul Gribble

Cashiers: Paul Gribble – St Germans; Tim Pullin – Downderry; Hugh Parker – Tideford and Fiona Bristow – Hessenford.

Additional PCC Members from May 2023

Tim Pullin, Tilly Thompson, Yvonne Byles, Hugh Parker, Dawn Couling, Fiona Bristow, and Bill Woods.

Hire and other info on St Germans Priory Church for events:

The St Germans Priory Trust:   www.stgermanspriory.info

Hire of the Church Hall in Hessenfordhttp://www.hessenford.net






THE FOOD BANK – no change to the message – our help is needed

You will have read in the press that the need is greater than ever as the cost of living spirals ever higher. How can you help the Foodbank? The foodbanks have recently requested: Deodorant Fruit juice Jam/Marmite/Peanut butter Spaghetti hoops Tinned fruit Washing powder Anti bac cleaning spray Hair conditioner/shampoo Jars of pasta sauce It…

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St Germans Priory Trust

If you would like to volunteer to help the Project in any way please visit our website at www.stgermanspriory.info  and let us know your contact details. Board of Priory Trustees Chair- Richard Laugharne Vice Chair – Fiona Bristow Secretary – Brenda Daw Support Officer – Jo Rimron Ann Demaine Peter Daw Hugh Parker Bob Foulkes.

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Latest News

News Archives


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish: David Watters, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, 07826 545696

In the Diocese: Andy Earl, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01872 274351

Out of Hours for after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300

In an emergency situation: Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116

Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131

General contact details:

Please contact one of the parish wardens:

Paul Gribble on stggp.churchwarden2@gmail.com

Rosemary Stevenson on stggp.churchwarden1@gmail.com

Alternatively email us at stgermanspriory@gmail.com

St Germans, Hessenford, Downderry & Tideford services

If you are able, please consider a donation to help the work of the church in our community by clicking on the logo:


Details of our services are given below.

Please refer to main page for further details.

All services are at 10am unless otherwise noted

Service type shown may vary depending on minister availability

1st Sunday3rd MarchSheviockHoly Communion
DownderryMorning Worship
2nd Sunday10th MarchSheviockMorning Worship
Mothering Sunday
St Germans SchoolHoly Communion
3rd Sunday
17th MarchDownderryHoly Communion
 SheviockMorning Worship
4th Sunday
24th MarchDownderryMorning Worship
Palm Sunday
SheviockHoly Communion
5th Sunday31st MarchSt Germans PrioryHoly Communion
Easter Day


Regular weekday services:

Every Thursday 10am Hessenford Morning Prayer

Click here to go back to the top

All our churches are open for private prayer.

A good resource for prayers and services is https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/church-online


THE FOOD BANK – no change to the message – our help is needed

You will have read in the press that the need is greater than ever as the cost of living spirals ever higher.

How can you help the Foodbank?

The foodbanks have recently requested:


Fruit juice

Jam/Marmite/Peanut butter

Spaghetti hoops

Tinned fruit

Washing powder

Anti bac cleaning spray

Hair conditioner/shampoo

Jars of pasta sauce

It is the school holidays, a time when children need an endless supply of snacks, squash and packed lunches, so please consider this when donating.

There is a drop off point in the porch of St Nicolas, Downderry and St Anne’s, Hessenford.

The app BanktheFood is being used by our local foodbanks to show the Priority Items they need; it is in real time so is always up to date.  More information here

To give money directly to the foodbank – use this link:


Alternatively, if your supermarket has a foodbank bin, please put items in there.

If you could help through regular donations they would be extremely grateful. Setting up a Standing Order is ideal, but any donation would be wonderful. They can also take donations CAF and Stewardship schemes.

To learn a bit more about how the foodbank works, please click here to watch a useful video made by the Truro foodbank.

If you can help please contact the Liskeard & Looe Foodbank.

Tel: 07512 011452.

email: liskeard.foodbank@gmail.com

Thank you for your support.

East Wivelshire

The area of the Diocese of Truro area is that of the county of Cornwall including the Isles of Scilly. It was formed on 15 December 1876 from the Archdeaconry of Cornwall in the Diocese of Exeter. It is therefore one of the younger dioceses.

The diocese is divided into two archdeaconries:

Rural deaneries

The names of the older deaneries (before 1875) are based on those of the ancient hundreds though the boundaries do not always correspond. The deaneries created in 1875 in the episcopate of Frederick Temple were Bodmin, Stratton, St Austell, and Carnmarth. These remained unchanged until Carnmarth was divided; later still in the 1980s some alterations of boundaries occurred. Chronological Sequence:

Estwevelsire, 1259; Estwyvelschyre, 1291; Estwevelschire, 1366; Easte, 1672; East, 1847, 1980; East Wivelshire, 1997, 2009.